Voltec Maintenance – Your Professional Multi-Site Testing Service Provider
All electrical equipment in the workplace, whether in the office, workshop, or construction site, is subject to constant use, often resulting in damage or wear and tear. Conducting regular inspections of your fire safety, electrical appliances, tools, equipment and other assets is essential in ensuring a safe working environment.
Voltec Maintenance provides an electrical testing and fire safety service to all clients ranging from small businesses to leading multi-site organisations across Queensland. Specialising in large multi-site services, we offer extensive testing that guarantees appropriate electrical safety throughout all site locations. Our qualified electricians perform tailored services for our clients – creating a streamlined, effective process that is compliant with current legislation and standards. Say goodbye to coordinating several compliance and maintenance providers across multiple sites and locations, Voltec Maintenance can do it all. Contact us today.
What is the process of multi-site testing for electrical maintenance? – Thermal imaging & exit light testing specialists
During the planning process, our electricians focus on getting the correct details from you to get a comprehensive understanding and scope of the job. The following factors are considered when checking your compliance for electrical and fire safety standards:
- How many sites do you have?
- Where are the sites located?
- How many appliances need to be serviced?
- When was the last time you had testing completed?
Since multi-site testing involves thorough planning, it’s best to know this information prior to beginning the project to ensure travel costs and time is considered in the quoting process.
Do you need multi-site electrical testing? We offer RCD test tags, appliance testing and thermal imaging services throughout most of Queensland. Contact us today.
What do you receive in the preventative maintenance report for multi-site testing?
When it comes to reporting your multi-site locations, we provide a comprehensive digital report that is quick, user-friendly, and simple to use. At the completion of our testing, you will have access to a secure portal website that showcases a detailed report for each of your site locations. We organise the reports in accordance with the year of testing, so the client can refer to all past and current test results. We will also provide you with a Certificate of Compliance to prove that you have fulfilled your Duty of Care and legal obligations in the event of an audit or emergency.
Want to learn more about our multi-site testing service? Read our blog.
What assets are tested and checked in multi-site testing?
At Voltec Maintenance, our team of highly qualified specialists makes us a leading provider of integrated electrical and fire services: from inspection and testing to maintenance and emergency support. Our electricians conduct comprehensive testing and reporting on the following items.
Evacuation plan
Evacuation plans are essential in all premises and need to be compliant. When assessing the diagrams, we check the following:
- Is there is evacuation plan on site?
- Is the evacuation diagram compliant with BFSR 2008?
Furthermore, we check that the plan is secured in a snap frame and contains all critical elements.
Smoke alarm testing
During smoke alarm testing, we consider the following elements:
- How many smoke alarms are present on site?
- Is the site compliant with new legislation?
- Are all smoke alarms interconnected?
- Have all smoke alarms passed testing?
We also take note of the brand and specific location to ensure compliance.
Fire Protection
Our team conduct testing on fire protection assets including fire extinguisher testing and fire blankets. We assess the site compliance by checking the following:
- Does the site contain fire protection assets?
- How many fire blankets and fire extinguishers are on site?
- Are fire protection assets correctly marked on the evacuation plan?
- Is the site compliant with AS 1851?
Want to learn more about our fire blanket and fire extinguisher testing services? Contact us today.
Emergency exit lighting
During emergency exit light testing, we will check the following items:
- How many exit lighting assets are on site?
- Did all the emergency exit lights pass testing?
- Are all exit light locations present on the evacuation plan?
Thermal imaging testing
We conduct thermal imaging on main switchboards and distribution boards to record the temperatures and assess any present or potential faults. If a problem has been identified, we will make necessary repairs, otherwise, if no action is required, a 12-month reinspection will be recommended.
RCD test tags
RCD testing involves examining each distribution board and circuit breaker to determine the overall health of all switchboards. We conduct injection testing where each circuit is tripped at 180 and 0 degrees to determine what point the circuit breaker trips.
We provide appliance test and tag services to multi-site clients upon request. Read more about our electrical test and tag services.
Benefits of choosing one provider for multi-site testing
Multi-site servicing with an experienced partner like Voltec Maintenance is an effective method to maintain a high standard of service and quality control for all site locations. We efficiently consolidate your electrical test & tag and fire services to take the complexity out of managing multiple providers.
Our ‘one-stop’ services approach reduces risk, complexity, and cost, making electrical maintenance for multi-site organisations a breeze. Other key benefits of choosing one service provider for all your business sites include:
- Greater value by establishing company-wide expectations and standards that result in continuous improvement in the long run.
- Reduced costs by having one service provider who can offer testing on all assets.
- Ease of operations and efficient time management for issue resolution.
- Streamlined communications, better accountability, and simple access to information and reports with our comprehensive reporting portal.
Our team has experience managing electrical and fire compliance on multiple sites with ease. We work with you to implement a customised testing program according to your needs, which includes the timely submission of test reports and retest reminders.
Why Choose Voltec Maintenance for multi-site servicing?
Whether you are a large, multi-site organisation with thousands of devices and appliances, or a small business looking for guidance on what your responsibilities are, our client-focused methods, systems and reports are designed to make compliance straightforward and painless. Our team is committed to ensuring you are supported at the highest standards with your legislative compliance. Our qualified electricians and fire technicians provide a professional fire safety and test and tag service that includes a full assessment of all your assets. If any faults are identified, we endeavour to rectify them immediately. Furthermore, we want to ensure your experience with us is as smooth as possible. For this reason, part of our after-service is to send you reminders of your upcoming inspections, so your sites are never out of date.
Want to learn more about our multi-site servicing? We ensure you’re compliant with exit light testing, fire extinguisher testing, RCD test tags, thermal imaging and more. Contact us today.
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Common RCD Failures: How to Identify & Address Issues in Your Electrical Systems
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Rely On the Right Exit Light Maintenance Partner: 4 Key Considerations
Why Every Business Needs an Expert Test and Tag Partner: Key Qualities to Look For