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Fire and Evacuation Plans and Diagrams for Workplace Safety

Posted: March 31, 2022

In the event of an emergency, it can be easy to become flustered, disoriented and confused, especially when there is no formal plan or warning system in place to instruct you what to do. Evacuation Diagrams are one of the most important pieces of information for your building and are mandatory for all Australian workplaces and multiple residency buildings. A fire evacuation diagram serves as a guide to locate the nearest emergency exit from where a person is currently located. Thus, these diagrams should be clear and precise so that the occupants can depend on them for necessary information to evacuate the facility in the event of a fire. Furthermore, they are designed to inform occupants of the evacuation procedures, locations, and direction of the nearest emergency exits, fire equipment, assembly areas, and emergency contact details.

Need an evacuation diagram? Voltec Maintenance can help! Contact us today.

Workplace safety regulations for fire evacuation plans

Fire is a potential hazard in all workplaces, more of a risk in some than in others. Therefore, it is important that your workplace has a simple plan to respond to emergencies. This will reduce the potential for injury and avoid panic. Evacuation diagrams are essential to any fire and evacuation plan. These plans must be designed in accordance with strict guidelines and regulations set within the Australian Standard 3745:2010. It is essential that they include a certain number of ‘minimum requirement’ elements such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, and other important information.

Is your business or organisation compliant with Australian workplace safety standards? Contact Voltec Maintenance for all your fire and evacuation diagram needs.

Australian workplace safety standards and requirements for a fire and evacuation plan

Fire and evacuation plan requirements

How often do evacuation diagrams need to be updated for workplace safety regulations?

As per the Australian Standards for Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, evacuation diagrams must be evaluated and reviewed every five years to ensure that they are up to date with the possible changes made in the building. However, as soon as any changes to the layout of the building or firefighting equipment and systems have occurred, then the emergency evacuation diagrams must be updated immediately. Among many other regulations, the validity date is a requirement on all evacuation diagrams. Furthermore, evacuation diagrams are to be displayed in a noticeable location along the evacuation route of the establishment and should be oriented with the layout of the building.

When was the last time your fire and evacuation plan was assessed and updated? If you’re in need of specialised assistance to get your workplace compliant, contact Voltec Maintenance.

Where should emergency evacuation diagrams be installed?

It is crucial that the orientation, position, and location of emergency evacuation diagram maps are compliant with the Australian Standard 3745:2010. You must be sure that the locations have been well considered and are installed correctly. Ultimately, you are responsible for the safety of workers, visitors, and customers on your site. 

Who can Voltec Maintenance help with fire workplace safety regulations?

At Voltec Maintenance, we can assist you and your team in planning and developing an effective emergency evacuation plan and diagram for your workplace to help with your preparedness in the event of an emergency. Our specialised team can help with:

  • New buildings with no plan in place – we can start from scratch and map out your premises
  • Buildings that have a plan that is 5 years old or not compliant
  • Buildings that are planning to make layout changes and needing adjustments made

Additionally, we can print out your new evacuation diagram and have it installed in a new or existing snap frame to ensure you’re fully compliant with Australian workplace safety standards.

Why choose Voltec Maintenance for evacuation diagrams?

Our evacuation diagrams and signs are professionally drawn, accurate, and straightforward. We conduct an onsite inspection to ensure that every component of your diagram is precise as we take pride in the quality of our work. For locations where a site visit is not possible, we can still work with you directly to complete the project. Voltec Maintenance has worked with businesses of all sizes to assure fire safety compliance. We are one of the leading fire compliance providers in Townsville, serving everyone from local businesses to larger organisations. You can rely on us to craft your fire evacuation diagram in Townsville or even nationwide.

Want to learn more about our fire and evacuation services for workplace safety regulations? Voltec maintenance can help with evacuation diagrams, fire testing, emergency exit light testing and more. Contact us today.

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