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The Essentials Of Being A Competent Electrical Thermographer: Tools & Expertise

Electrical Thermal Imaging

Posted: December 13, 2024

Before we get into this, it is important to mention that in Australia, to conduct thermal inspections on electrical switchboards, you will need to open them up. There are no two ways about it, you need to be an electrician.  

If you are not an electrician and for one reason or another you end up in court due to an electrical fire at the place where you have conducted thermal imaging. They will first look at two main factors, was there a person qualified and did they pass an ISO standard thermal course? Secondly, was the person competent and able to determine the specifics of what they were surveying, and did the person performing the Thermographic Testing hold a valid electrical worker’s licence? 

If you can’t answer yes to both above questions, you are taking on a large amount of risk and putting your clients in a risk averse position. Performing thermal inspections or Electrical Thermal Imaging is not simply a point-and-shoot exercise, there is a numerous complexity that involves understanding infrared principles and the HOWs and WHYs of the electrical components you are surveying.  

If you are a licenced electrical worker in Queensland and you have completed an ISO complying thermal course. Please see below our list of basic tools that an electrical thermographer should use when on site.  

Basic Tool Checklist for Electrical Thermographers 

If you are a licensed electrical worker in Queensland and have completed an ISO-compliant thermal imaging course, here is a list of essential tools to ensure professionalism and efficiency on-site. Note that this list is foundational; additional items such as LV kits, PPE, and other tools may also be necessary depending on the job. 

Core Tools 

  • FLIR Thermal Camera (E54 or another Flir Camera)  
  • Four Thermal Camera Batteries (standard package includes two; an additional two are recommended) 
  • Fluke Clamp and Multimeter (backup use only) 
  • FLIR Insulation Resistance Tester & Multimeter (MeterLink compatible, e.g., FLIR IM75-3) 
  • FLIR Flexible Clamp Meter (ideal for tight spots, MeterLink compatible, e.g., FLIR CM57-2) 

Essential Accessories 

  • Switchboard Keys (collect a comprehensive set for various boards) 
  • Tool Belt Pouch 
  • Insulated Screwdrivers (set of six) 
  • Pliers 
  • Kincrome Working at Heights Tool Tether (for securing the thermal camera) 
  • Tool Check Plus (Wera) (Australian version) 
  • SD Card Reader 
  • At Least Four SD Cards 
  • Tactix Clipboard 
  • Inspection Sheets (one for each switchboard inspected) 
  • Reporting Tools: 
  • Computer with FLIR Thermal Studio Software 

Efficiency in Reporting 

Some Thermographers capture everything digitally. Having a hard copy sheet for each DB can make reporting fast and easy. I have provided a copy of my sheet below. It only captures basic elements of the inspection but has worked well for our team.  

Switchboard Name  
Are all Busbar Protective Covers in place? Yes – Compliant
AS3000 Clause No – Not Compliant
Are all pole fillers in place? Yes – Compliant
AS3000 Clause No – Not Compliant
Are all breakers in the same orientation? Yes – Compliant
AS 3000 Clause No – Not Compliant
Is the switchboard lockable?  
AS 3000 Clause
Is the switchboard accessible free from being blocked? Yes – Compliant
AS 3000 Clause  No – Not Compliant
Is the switchboard clean free from dust & dirt? Yes – Clean
AS 3000 Clause Somewhat – Minor debris evident
  No – Dust, cobwebs & other present
DB contains Switchboard CB Legend Yes – Compliant
AS 3000 Clause No – Not Compliant
Result of Thermal Inspection Pass
Passed & Investigated
Investigation 1 CB Number or Name
CB Size _________A
CB Clamp Meter Reading ________A
Investigation 2 CB Number or Name
CB Size _________A
CB Clamp Meter Reading ________A
Flir Image Numbers relevant to this switchboard Flir ____________ Ref ________________
Flir ____________ Ref ________________
Flir ____________ Ref ________________

Joshua Forrest 
Category 2 Thermographer 
Certification No. 2024AU47N003

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